THE COLLECTION is a new, full-length play about Peggy Guggenheim, famous collector of modern art. The play presents thirty-four brief, critical episodes in the life of Peggy Guggenheim, a fascinating and colorful character. She was married several times, became friends with a vast assortment of American and European writers and painters, subsidized Emma Goldman so the activist could write her memoirs, had an affair with Samuel Beckett, smuggled her art to America in the midst of World War II, introduced Jackson Pollock to the American art scene, establlshed galleries in London and New York City and had a tumultuous relationship with her children. Each episode is paired with a work of art from her collection. The artworks are transformational, interactive, and complement the story. THE COLLECTION is performed by four actors. Tickets are $15.00 for general and $10.00 for students.
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